Ten8 Fire


Corporate Verse: Isaiah 40:31

B. Keith Chapman, President & CEO

As we start a new year and reflect on 2023, we have a lot to be thankful for. However, there are likely a few things we would like to forget and put behind us. Whatever your mindset is on this first day of 2024, we can all find encouragement in the fact that God is with us. In fact, that is the very meaning of the name Emmanual (God with us).  

Ten-8’s corporate verse for 2024 is found in Isaiah 40:31, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” The word hope in this context is associated with expectation. For those who trust in God, we can expect that He will renew our strength. The Bible says that in 2 Corinthians  “His strength is made perfect in our weakness”. Staying connected to an unlimited source of strength and power is the key to our overall success and joy in life.  

The eagle is a symbol of strength, courage, and freedom. The eagle is also known for its keen eyesight. It is estimated that an eagle can see prey the size of a rabbit from two miles away. This incredible eyesight allows the eagle to maintain focus until its goal is accomplished (Wikipedia). There is a direct correlation here with each of our focus through this next year. We can choose to focus on all the problems, stress and obstacles that come our way. Or we can choose to focus on the One that can renew our strength.    

Another interesting fact about eagles is they can soar ten to twenty thousand feet above sea level. They can soar for long periods of time covering great distances using very little energy. They can accomplish this by taking advantage of the wind (zoologist.com). Wind is an incredible source of power although it is not visible. 

However, we can feel the wind and see its effects, so we know that it exists. This is just like the power of God. If you choose to have a relationship with God and tap into His power, you can see the effects of His work in your life. 

2024, like every other year, will have its joys and disappointments, its easy times, and its challenging times. Nonetheless, each day will present us with the same choice. Do we depend solely on our own strength and ability, or do we tap into the unlimited strength and power of our Lord and Savior? Jen Stephens sums this up well when she says, “If we never had the courage to take a leap of faith, we’d be cheating God out of a chance to mount us up with wings like eagles and watch us soar.”

Have a happy and blessed 2024!

Published: January 1, 2024

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