B. Keith Chapman, President & CEO
If you are like me, you enjoy being on the winning team. There is a certain feeling of accomplishment, fulfillment and excitement that comes with winning. All of the struggles and pain of the journey seem to fade away in the emotion of a big win. As the wins continue to stack up, it is natural for us to gain more and more confidence and security. However, life is not always full of wins. When we experience a loss, it is easy for us to become discouraged. We can get overwhelmed, frustrated and disappointed in ourselves; especially when the losses seem to come more often than the wins. It is times like these when we need a little dose of encouragement and hope to get things back on track.
Babe Ruth once said, “Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s game.” Regardless of the magnitude of the win, the excitement will fade over time. Past wins in life never guarantee future success. In fact, if you stay in the game long enough, there will always be some losses and setbacks along the way. Each day presents a unique opportunity for us to invest in the success of our future. It is always more important to be undaunted than undefeated. Meaning, we should not be intimidated or discouraged during challenging times. It is our ability to keep motivated and committed that will drive us forward, regardless of the odds against us. A good coach will capitalize on the emotion of a win to motivate the team. Likewise, a good coach understands that motivation is needed the most when the team suffers a loss. Keeping ourselves focused on hard work and dedication is key to overcoming the negativity of loss and discouragement.
In John 16:31-33, Before He was taken to be crucified, Jesus was with His disciples when He said, “Do you finally believe? But the time is coming – indeed it’s here now – when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” This is a powerful message that He was delivering to his closest followers. Despite the trials and sorrows that they would experience in life, they didn’t have to be concerned. In fact, He tells them to have peace. A short time later he would overcome death demonstrating, once again, there is nothing to difficult for our Savior. Like Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Because Jesus was speaking to His disciples at the time, one may ask, “How does this apply to me?” Well, I am glad you asked! In John 17:20, just a few verses later, Jesus says, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message (word).” The truth of Jesus’ power and ability to comfort and help us in a time of need is as much for each of us now, as it was for His disciples back then. We have access to the ultimate coach and mentor. In fact, He is the only one to finish His work on this earth undefeated!
Challenge: Be encouraged that you have access to an undefeated Coach, Mentor and Savior. Regardless of what the scoreboard of life shows in terms of wins and losses, never underestimate the potential of those who believe in the undefeated Savior of the world!
Published: May 1, 2021